My Philosophy I'm an atheist. There. Done. Nothing can persuade me to become a good little Christian girl. I've been through enough to decide for myself that there is no God as is known in the Bible. Honestly, I do hope there is a God, because this world desperatly needs one, but until the day I have proof of a supernatural power, I am not going to waste my time worshipping a potentially unreal power. College I'd love to go out of state to go to school, but not being the by product of an extremely wealthy family, I can't afford to live out that dream. Instead, I will happily pack my bags and go to one of the following universities: Miami University or Bowling Green State University. In my opinion, they are the only public universities in the state of Ohio worth looking into. And the only two that I can afford, yet still get a good education. |
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Cars Why is it that the student parking lot at my school has better cars in it than the staff parking lot? I know these kids aren't working--and even if they are, they're certainly not bringing in enough money to pay for a brand new Mustang, BMW, or PT Cruiser. And the insurance must be ridiculous! I wonder how they could afford this? Hmmm...could it be that mommy & daddy had an extra $30,000 lying around and they decided, "Hey, let's buy our newly licensed child a brand new car--if it's nice, surely they'll be careful not to run into a phone pole!" It has to be. And that to me is sad. These kids will never learn any responsibilty if their parents are buying everything they need. |